Sonntag, 30. März 2014

Wardrobe Architect Week 9: The capsule wardrobe

Goes well with my Project 333 plans, doesn´t it?

"What is a capsule wardrobe?
A capsule wardrobe is a small, manageable subset of your wardrobe, and it usually is something you can plan seasonally (twice a year, or perhaps 4 times a year).
A typical capsule wardrobe consists of between 20 and 33 items, depending on who you ask and what kinds of items you’re including. It doesn’t have to include every single thing you might wear for the season, but it is the foundation for the rest of your wardrobe. The idea is that once you have the capsule wardrobe figured out, the rest is gravy."                  -

The method

The idea is simple. And I’d like to give big thanks to the blog into-mind who goes into much greater detail on these topics and really pulls apart these concepts.
  1. Choose one to six silhouettes for the season.
  2. Create a color palette.
  3. Break down your silhouettes and colors into a list of pieces.
  4. Organize what to make, what to buy, and what you already own.
         - source: see above!

This week we start with silouettes for the spring season :)

I might select 4:

1) A-line skirt with tights, Shirt and cardigan/pullover
2) Jeans/trousers (straight to slightly flaired) with pullover/jacket
3) Shorts with tights, shirt and pullover
4) Dress with tights and longarmshirt plus cardigan/pullover

I´m easily freezing so I need my clothes to be warm. Plus I need variety....I can´t stand it when it´s allways the same.

Wardrobe Architect: Week 8 Hair and Makeup

I´ve been on delay with this series....

In week 8 we talk about beauty, hair make-up etc.

There are some questions to help:

  1. What hair style has been most flattering and comfortable for you? How did it make you feel about yourself? Did it invoke any of the words you came up with in our core style exercise?
  2. How much makeup are you comfortable with? It could be no makeup, or a full face with contouring (and all that jazz I could never figure out). Or it could vary day to day.
  3. How does your makeup and hair reflect your personal style? What do you feel they say about you and your aesthetics?
  4. How much product do you want to own? Do you like collecting products, or would you rather just have a few essentials? How much bathroom clutter are you ok with?
  5. What requirements do you have for the products you buy? Do you stick with all natural products? Are there ingredients you avoid?
  6. What colors feel best near your face? How do they relate to the color palette you created?
  7. What colors never look right near your face? What colors have you tried and given up on before?
  8. How much time do you realistically want to spend getting ready in the morning?
  9. What types of scents do you gravitate towards? Do you wear perfume? Other scented products? What do you feel the scents you like communicate about your personality?

I like my hair fairly long. Although I recently cut quite a bit off it´s still below shoulders. This way it´s easier than my before waistlong hair. I also have bangs which balance my face really nicely.

I don´t really wear a lot of make-up. Most of the time it´s just lip balm and maybe mascara. If I feel fancy I use a bit of lip gloss or my only lipstick sometimes I use nude eyeshadow.

This styling is easy, down to earth and I can spend my time for more appealing things.... sleeping longer and a nice cup of tea in the morning for example.

I don´t own much make-up. Some essentials are enought! Same goes with cleaning products.

I avoid animal testing and try to buy natural make-up and vegan stuff. Don´t like all the strange stuff to go on my skin!

I like green, brown and a little black near my face. Never much black eyeliner... makes my eyes tiny and me looking tired.

Reallistically I don´t spend more than ten minutes with getting ready for breakfast.  I want to incorporate to moisturise my face in the morning. I allways forget it!

Scents are a troublesome topic here. My boyfriend and I are really sensitive to scents, he more than I am. Often, my citrus scented deodorant is too much for him so scent when he´s in bathroom after me.
And let´s not talk about scented candles :(
But I like a little drop of perfume from time to time. Try to use it, when he´s out or we are at open air.

Sonntag, 2. März 2014

Project 333 - Thoughts and an honest look in my closet

At the moment, you stumble a lot about this theme, when looking for styling tipps:

What is this?

"The Basics

  • When: Every three months (It’s never too late to start so join in anytime!)
  • What: 33 items including clothing, accessories, jewelry, outerwear and shoes.
  • What not: these items are not counted as part of the 33 items – wedding ring or another sentimental piece of jewelry that you never take off, underwear, sleep wear, in-home lounge wear,  and workout clothing (you can only wear your workout clothing to workout)
  • How: Choose your 33 items, box up the remainder of your fashion statement, seal it with tape and put it out of sight.
  • What else: consider that you are creating a wardrobe that you can live, work and play in for three months. Remember that this is not a project in suffering. If your clothes don’t fit or are in poor condition, replace them."
It fascinates me, that´s why I started with looking in my closet... what do I really have?
So far I´ve counted:
15 skirts!
10 dresses
3 pairs of jeans

I hardly ever wear all those skirts and dresses, so I tried them on and threw some out.
I kept 6 skirts, 2 dresses, put 3 dresses in the tanktop isle because they are a little too short as a dress (they will be worn out after this summer, I fear) and think about trowing out 1 pair of jeans (they get loose).

8 (tank and other) Tops (including the 3 "new" tops formerly known as dresses)
11 Tshirts
12 Longsleeves
5 Pullover/Hoodies/Jackets

Additionally I have
2blouses ( which are on trial now, One is a little tight, Two is in a really lively color)
4 summer cardigans
1 blazer
=54 Items

Not counted: shoes, scarfs, handbags, jewelry, hair jewelry.
Not bad... I recently sorted my closet and trew out a lot of tops, shirts and pullovers. They didn´t fit, weren´t flattering or were torn.
There is the saying, that you wear 20% of your closet at 80% of your time. With that in mind I would only wear 11 pieces. Which is in fact the number of pieces you need for most SWAPs and so on.

So for the next week I challenged myself to wear every skirt... or throw it out!
I´m not starting the project yet but I keep it in mind.