Freitag, 28. Februar 2014

Wardrobe Architect week 7: Prints and Solids

The Wardrobe Architect


  • Examine your favorite clothing. Pick out the 10-20 most worn items in your wardrobe. What percentage of them are printed?
  • Pick your prints. Write down your most beloved styles of prints. Be sure to look through your closet and your fabric stash.
  • Update your moodboard. If you have a moodboard, try adding in examples of prints you favor.


What are your favorite types of prints? And are those the ones you find yourself buying?"


-My favorite  clothes are mainly tops. Mostly solids with ca 20% prints.
-My favorite prints are horizontal stripes, dots and plaids but in subdued combinations. Grey and black stripes, dark green and black plaids.
- My moodboard is updated here:

I find myself mostly buying solids. My favorite print by far are dots! And I love buying them.

Wardrobe Architect Week 6: Color Palette

The Wardrobe Architect

So, now we organise the color list we made.
I accidentally wrote "accent colors" instead of "statement colors" but that´s ok I think.

Here we are. It doesn´t suit me best but black makes a loooot of my closet.

Neutrals and statement colors (aka accents) are fairly balanced, but I hardly have Nearly neutrals! So I misplaced some colors.... White is in real a neutral, but not too flattering and practical.

Use-up Along 2014 Endstand

 aus der dose/eingelegt:
1 Glas Kirschen

         Aprikosenmarmelade   weggeworfen, weil verschimmelt, mist!
Oblatten klein und groß
Reis (Parboiled, Wildreis, Milchreis (fast leer), Sushireis (halb leer))

1/2 packung lasagneblätter
Gries (nur noch ein Rest)
Agartine(1 Beutelchen noch)
Mondamin Speisestärke
Amaranth (gepufft)

Sojabohnen (fast leer)
Weiße Bohnen
Kidneybohnen (halbleer)


nüsse und kerne: 
haselnüsse ganz und gemahlen
Mandeln gemahlen

1 packung misowürfel
nudeln (Spagetti, Gabelspagetti, Spirelli, Glasnudeln 1/2 Packung)
Maggi Hackbratensoße
Popkorn (zum Selbermachen)
Keimmischung Milde Mischung
Reisteigplatten (halbe Packung)

Zimt (noch genauso viel wie am Anfang)

Johanniskrauttee (weggegeben)
Hanftee (fast leer)
Basen-und Nierentee

Mittlerweile passen diese "Vorräte" in 2 kleine Körbchen. Einige Sachen werd ich noch weggeben, bei vielen weiß ich nun, dass ich sie nicht nochmal kaufen werde.

Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014

Wardrobe architect - Week 5 Color story

The Wardrobe Architect

So this is what made me do the other four weeks in one day.... so I could start wih this one!
When I think about color the first one to come to my mind is.... teal!
I automatically get drawn to it! Last year I bought fabric JUST because it was teal... I love this color.

I feel most comfortable in black and jeans blue, the dark kind of jeans blue.
Then I like berry colors, preferably dark ones and aubergine.

I played a little with adobe kuler and here is what I came up with....

 curry, some kind of too bright red, lilac, chocolate brown (?), and teal
With that curry I stepped waaaay out of my comfort zone!

Then I tried darker colors.
Aubergine, teal, grey/charcoal, burgundy (?) and a rich, dark green.

So, which colors to use? 
I like the curry but on me? Let´s say maybe.
The dark brown looks lovely too.

I love all the colors from the bottom, so they are all in.

Plus added from my actual wardrobe: black, white(maybe trade for cream!)

Wardrobe Architect week 4 – Proportions and Silhouettes

The Wardrobe Architect

This week in Wardrobe Architect we have been asked to think about how the shapes we picked in week 3 can help us build up silhouettes that work for our style and shape.

I tried Polyvore, but It´s not so nice.... proportions don't seem quite right. So I added some pics from my Pinterest board.

 Silhouette 1
Skirt + blouse siluette Winter

Full skirt, with tights, boots, blouse and Cardigan (Picture: The Hollywood Sew)
Silhouette 2

Winter Wardrobe architect

This I actually wore today with clothes from my wardrobe: Shirt with Blazer, jeans and boots.
Can opt the tee for a longsleeve or the Blazer for a cardigan.

Silhouette 1

Buttoned Skirt 3 ways
Buttoned up skirt, either with Blouse (long or short sleeved)
or with tanktop and button down shirt (picture: yesIlikethat)

Silhouette 2

A-Line Skirt

A-line skirt, with tanktop, Cardigan and "Chucks" quite casual, depending on Skirt!

Silhouette 3
Summer Wardrobe architect
A-line or full dress with skinny belt and flats. I can`t walk in heels, especially since the sideways at the University aren't in best condition. Feel the belt is nessisary for the fitted waistline. When cold, add cardigan. (picture: dollyclackett)

The pictures of the ladies are their rightfull ownage. I use them as inspiration and do not get money from it. All right to the mentioned owners.

Wardrobe Architect Week 3: Exploring shapes

The Wardrobe Architect

So, this day is about shape. The exercise ist to rate some shapes whether you like them or not.
Got to if you haven't already and get the worksheet... it´s super helpful.
This is the second page of mine and it speaks very clearly of what I like.

I don´t own the worksheet, all respect goes to!

With sleeves I´m more the all-or-nothing-type of girl :)
With necklines.... well, I think v-neck suites me best and I like the cleaverage created by a scoopneck. Turtleneck doesn't look too good on me ( I look like a neckless turtle ;) ) but it´s warm and comfy.
So... it depends :)

Wardrobe architect: Week 2 Defining a core style

Exercise #2
When you are wearing your favorite clothing, how do you feel (e.g. confident, sexy, poised, powerful, etc)?
Grown-up, stylish, elegant, comfy,  proportioned, free, confident, warm

When you’re wearing something that is not quite right, how do you feel? What are the feelings you want to avoid about the clothes you wear?
itchy, frumpy, unsecure, locked in, squeezing out
Who do you consider to be your style icons? What is it about them that appeals to you?
I think I see sewing bloggers as my style icons. Especially those, who often wear skirts and dresses.
Cat by Allures und coutoures for example : 
My latest discoveries and do belong to my inspiration too.

What are some words that describe styles that you like in theory, but are not quite you?
colorful: I don´t feel very secure in too bight colors
puffy: Although I adore the lolita style, I´m not very happy with those overly puffy skirts, sleeves and similar.
skinny: I like fitted clothes but I don´t like them to clinge on my body... I need some space and air to breath.
Uncover the styles that make you feel like yourself and attach words and images to them.
Simple, chic, 

Look over your answers from last week on history, philosophy, culture, community, activities,
location, and body. List at least 15 words that you associate with your answers. Think
about descriptive words, moods, and feelings you associate with these things:
Fun, practical, mysterious, dark, casual
ecological,special, handmade, unique, balancing
lady-like, cozy, fitting, timeless, warm
Look over the answers to all of the questions above. If you had to narrow your list to only
3-5 words to describe you, which words would you choose?
Simple, Cozy, Lady-like, versatile, Fun!

Collect 15-20 images that represent these 3-5 words for you. You could create a pinterest
board, a folder on your computer, a moodboard, or a collage. Be creative and have fun!

Wardrobe Architect: Crafting a small wardrobe that reflects who you are

The Wardrobe Architect

Another "Do-Along". One Year of wardrobe planning.
Updates weekly, this even I can do :)

I have to catch up a few weeks ( 5 weeks), so let´s start with week 1.


History - How has your personal history informed the way you dress? When did your tastes crystalize? Have they changed over the years, and why?
When I was in middle school I wore just jeans, loose Shirts and wide pullovers. I wasn´t the "girly" girl. I became interested in fashion when I discovered the goth subculture in highschool. But I couldn´t effort it or it didn´t came in my size so I started trying to sew for my own.
The first garment was horrorble *laughs*.
I was never the popular one so I could develop my own sense of style and what is cute or not.
Lately I´m in University where you can where whatever you want. So I´m free to find myself again.
I´m still sewing from time to time and have a loooot of fabrics that don´t mix and match or fit my style ( or I bought too less for a specific garment). To avoid spending money useless in the future I´ll plan thinks out now.

- How does your philosophy, spirituality, or religion affect your aesthetics and buying habits? Or, what aspects of those things would you like to see reflected?
I think quite ecologically. Sweatshops and cotton with pesticides scare the Sh** out of me. So I try to make ecologically and socially reasonable decisions with clothing as much as my wallet let me.

Culture-How has your cultural background shaped the way you look? How did the aesthetics and values you grew up with affect your tastes as you got older?
I was a goth for the past..... maybe 9 years. I still love the goth fashion and culture. And I don't want anybody to  say that goth was "just a phase" to me. It´s still in my heart but it´s not always the thing that suites me best :(

Community - How are you influenced by the people around you, including friends, family, and other communities you’re involved in?
I live in my small University bubble :) You can wear whatever you what, noone will complain or even notice! My friends and family are very kind ,too. They give their honest opinion if asked but still let me decide for myself. I´m really lucky.

Activity - How do your day to day activities influence your choices?
I´m mostly doing studiing, going to the library, playing pc games and other sitting activities like reading and (lately very rarely) sewing. In Spring and Summer I often go by bike.... to the University or doing errands etc. So long, flowy maxiskirts aren´t the best choice for me. ;)

Location - Does the place you live inform the way you dress? How does climate factor in?
I live in a capital city with a lot of styles and fashions.  Summers are hot ( 28 to 35 °C) and winters cold ( -10 °C), so I have to have different wardrobes for the seasons.

- In what ways does body image affect your choices in clothing? What clothes make you feel good about the body you live in? What clothes make you feel uncomfortable or alienated from your body?
Well, we could talk a lot about body, can't we?
I´m tall (177cm) and curvy and I like my curves. I have a nice, defined waist, my upper body is my favorite part. Lately I found out that I could easyly buy shirts and pullovers but have really problems finding trousers or jeans.
I often wear bootcut jeans, tees with prints etc. Comfy but boring!
My most loved clothes are my longarmed shirts. Comfy, warm, easy to wear and easy to dress up or down. I like skirts with leggings or thight underneath. In summer, I need capri thight under my skirts or my upper legs get wound ( I don't have a thight gap).

So, that´s it for week 1. Coming soon: Week 2 - Defining a core style.

Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2014

Use Up Along 2014, Etappe 2: Zwischenstand

 aus der dose/eingelegt:
1 Glas Kirschen

Zuckerhut (mist, aufm Bild vergessen...)
         Aprikosenmarmelade   weggeworfen, weil verschimmelt, mist!
Oblatten klein und groß

Reis (Parboiled, Wildreis, Milchreis (fast leer), Sushireis)

1/2 packung lasagneblätter
Gries (nur noch ein Rest)

Mondamin Speisestärke
Amaranth (gepufft)

Weiße Bohnen


nüsse und kerne: 
haselnüsse ganz und gemahlen
Mandeln gemahlen

1 packung misowürfel
nudeln (Spagetti, Gabelspagetti, Spirelli, Glasnudeln)
Maggi Hackbratensoße
Popkorn (zum Selbermachen)
Keimmischung Milde Mischung
Reisteigplatten (halbe Packung)
         Mandelmus -fehlt auf Bild- fast leer

Zimt (Ziel: Nur noch 1 Packung)
        Knoblauchpaste -fehlt auf Bild- fast leer
        Tahini -fehlt auf Bild- fast leer

Johanniskrauttee (weggegeben)
Basen-und Nierentee

Und hier Ideen, wie ich das aufbrauchen kann/konnte...

Rezept Use-up zutaten Gesamt
Milchreis mit Kirschen Milchreis, Kirschen 2
Sushi/Onigiri Nori , Sushireis 4
Mandelmus-Lasagne Mandelmus, Lasagneplatten, maggie hackbratensoße? 6+1
Griesauflauf Gries 7+1
Hirseauflauf Hirse 8+1
Falafel für Bento Falafelmischung 9+1
Bratlinge für Bento Bratlingmix 10+1
Frühlingsrollen Reisteigplatten, Keimmischung Milde Mischung 12+1
Curry mit Reis Tahini, Parboiled Reis 14+1
Sojamilch Sojabohnen 15+1
Ramen Miso, Glasnudeln 17+1
Zimtschnecken Zimt 18+1
Vegetarischer Aufstrich Sonnenblumenkerne 19+1
Bohnensuppe Kichererbsen, Weiße B., Kidneybohnen, Knobimus 23+1
Easy Jam Tarte (Mürbteig oben, unten und an der Seite, in der Mitte die )Marmeladenreste 24 +1
Polentaschnitten Polenta ( ) 25 + 1
Nusskuchen Haselnüsse, mandeln 27+1

So, und was mache ich mit den rot markierten Sachen?