These are the projects I planed to make.... *sigh*
If we look closely there is a nearly finished muslin of the pattern "Valeska" by Farbenmix. It misses the elastic waist and the hem. The other projects are pattern/fabric combinations where I didn´t started at all and some pattern I'd like to try soon. Ottobre pattern magazine blouse and blazer as well as a simplicity blazer.
Other than that we have ( top to bottom, left to right):
- "Lucille" with a really warm knit fabric, a fake fur for a "Renfrey" hack cardigan, jeans for "Thurlow." and an old skirt as a (hopefully wearable) muslin of the "Amy" pattern
-a tone-in-tone fabric for a sleeveless blouse, an Onion Banana skirt with a cut-out fabric, "Sorbetto" muslin of the rest of a curtain, brown with dots fabric for a "Vogue" dress and the main fabric (teal/turquise condory) for "Amy"
-said "Valeska" that is to bring to an end, muslin and mainfabric for "Vogue 8607(?)" and three jerseys for "Renfreys".
I can´t participate in Me-Made May, but I want to use May to make a Me-Made-Wardrobe.
Black is not the most flattering color for me, but I have those fabrics and will use them now.
I´ll try tomake a type of garment each week:
1.) Tops = Renfreys
2.) Skirts= finish "Valeska", "Amys" and "Onion" skirt
3.)Cardis= Renfrey hack and Lucille
4.) pants= muslin and real "Thurlow." I want to make a shorts version as a muslin.
Then there are the pattern, that´s need more time
5.) Vogue dress - muslin, fitting and real thing
6.)"Vogue 8607(?)" - muslin, fitting and real thing
This is a large scale project.
Hereby I pledge, not to buy new patterns or fabrics till I have finished the above projects!
So, I´m off... copying pattern -.-
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